Sunday, July 26, 2015


The science of ethnology is used for humans to analyze each other by looking to the past or indigenous people for answers that appease the current order, in turn destructs those they are studying from their reality. To not acknowledge the present ethnology is to practice in the simulation of the naïve of the reoccurring victims of ethnology happening today.

The need to catalogue and preserve seeks to restore the simulated order of mummies and artifacts. We place mummies into a history helping them survive in our simulated structure of how they function without knowing the true origin of their place in the society and culture which they were extracted from.

Iconoclasm rejects religious images because simulacra can enable anything, even the idea God. There is nothing behind the images of God.

Disneyland is a series of images aimed at simulating that the real world is one of adults and Disneyland is a real world for the child. Illusions of fantasy and escape create the simulation that we need Disneyland and to be children forever.  

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